Thursday’s Headlines Check In On Vision Zero
- In the 10 years since U.S. cities started adopting Vision Zero, they’ve had mixed success. A few cities have seen pedestrian and cyclist deaths decline, but they’re rising in the nation as a whole. (NPR)
- It’s trendy to pick on microtransit, but it can complement traditional transit, and even though it’s not as efficient, it’s better than spending billions to subsidize roads. (CityLab)
- Unbelievably, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg had to warn Tesla drivers not to wear Apple’s new virtual reality headsets while behind the wheel. (The Guardian)
- A coalition of almost 200 community groups launched a campaign telling governments to stop widening highways. (Streetsblog USA)
- The Federal Transit Administration awarded $110 million in disaster relief grants to eight transit agencies, primarily New Jersey’s to repair damage caused by Hurricane Ida. (Railway Age)
- The D.C. Metro’s latest budget projections are better, but the transit agency is still proposing to raise fares and cut down the rush-hour peak service window. (DCist)
- New York state received $1 billion in flexible funds from the federal infrastructure law that could have been spent on transit, but spent it on highways instead. (Focus)
- Take a look at the design for New York City’s new Port Authority Bus Terminal. (NY Times)
- Crime is down and ridership is on the Twin Cities’ Metro Transit, but some riders still say they don’t feel safe. (CBS News)
- A top academic in Buffalo warns that it would be a huge mistake to rebuild the notorious Humboldt expressway, which devastated a Black neighborhood, and that the state should fill it in instead. (Buffalo News)
- Orlando approved plans to fill in six gaps in the city’s bike and sidewalk network. (WFTV)
- Progress has been slow on Tucson’s Complete Streets initiative. (Arizona Republic)
- Anchorage is full of “stroads,” as Strong Towns’ Charles Marohn calls them — wide, fast roads where friendlier urban streets should be. (Alaska Business)
- India electrified almost half its rail network in five years and is aiming to reach net-zero emissions by 2030. (Energy Monitor)
- The House of Lords is pressing the British government to push back on misinformation about electric vehicles. (BBC)
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